Gen Z’s sporting renaissance? A deeper dive into youth engagement with sports in 2023
On August 14, the Matildas' semi-final against England rewrote history books as the most-watched TV program in Australia in more than two decades - reaching an [...]
Generative AI – Gender gap identified in skills and confidence
This April, we conducted the first Australian exploratory study with students and young people to understand their perceptions and use of Generative AI. The study includes [...]
Navigating gender equity in STEM: Insights from Australia’s STEM Equity Monitor
Since 2018, YouthInsight has worked with the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) on research focusing on Australian students’ attitudes and behaviours toward science, technology, [...]
Full Report: 2022 – 2023 Australian and New Zealand Student Wellbeing Survey
The eighth annual Studiosity Student Wellbeing report contains the survey results of 1,137 students at universities in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. This large-scale survey and [...]
International students on their university experience
As part of Studiosity’s annual Student Wellbeing Survey, YouthInsight asked university students from Australia and New Zealand about their university experiences and perceptions. In this most recent [...]
Young People’s Perception and Use of Generative AI
Discussions about the impact of Generative AI on education have been missing one key voice that bears the greatest impact of the changes this technology brings: [...]